Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hair Styles

As you can see here, Kurt is my hair stylist. Also, you might notice that I'm wearing two different shirts, which means that he is very nervous about getting it exactly right. Kurt and I had two practice rounds and now I think it is going to be perfect. The first time he did my hair, I tried to warn him that my hair was thick, but he didn't listen; as I was walking to the bathroom to see my finished product, a bobby pin shot out of my hair across the hallway!!! Kurt was surprised; I wasn't and neither was Kevin. After Jen's wedding, Kevin took 60 something bobby pins out of my hair!

Good luck to ya, Kurt!

I'm reall yexcited to go to Kurt's shop. All the bridesmaids, my mom, and Kevin's mom are going there at 12:30 the dyy of the wedding to get waited on, eat snacks, and drink wine and beer! How fun. It is going to be a great experience.

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